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Want to be Filosano Certified and join our community?
Each of our vendors has been rigorously vetted. We study the manufacturing process from end to end to completely understand who and what was impacted in the making of each product. We look into who made the pieces, how they were treated and the impact of making this product on the environment. Once we are sure that your products and processes meet our standard we certify you and welcome you to our community.
What does it mean to be a part of our community?
- Each Vendor will receive assistance in loading your products onto our website.(Products can be synced with your inventory to simplify the inventorying process)
- Each vendor will have a page on our site to describe their story and process.
- We will promote your products through social media and other avenues.
- We will support you in product positioning, strategy. Our goal is to make your products as accurate and appealing to our customers as possible.
- Once a product is purchased from our site, you will ship the item to the customer and receive a payment minus a small commission.
- That's it. You only pay when you make a sale from our site.
If you think you have what it takes, please submit your application here and we will contact you for a full review of your products.
Already a vendor? Click here for information on how to load your products.
What does it take to be certified by Filosano?
Take a look at our certification criteria here. Most important is to be completely transparent. We do not pretend to determine which sustainable methods are better than others. Instead we provide the information to our customers so they can make informed choices.
What if I do not know all the details of my supply chain and materials?
Depending on how impactful the missing details are, we may hold off on certification until you can get more information, or we may decide to provide what we know about the gap to our customers and let them make their own choice.
What if some of my products meet your standards and other do not?
We will make this very clear in your bio and only promote the products that we certify.
How do sales work?
Each time a customer purchases one of your products from our site, you will receive notification with the customer order. You will ship directly to the customer. As soon as we receive the tracking information for your order, we will remit payment to you.