It’s Possible to Have a Sustainable Wedding — I Know, I Did It
Maury Argento
Posted on October 04 2018
As soon as I began receiving questions about how we were able to make so much of our wedding align with our commitment to the environment, I knew it was worth sharing the tactics and steps we discovered along the way. After all, I know I would have really appreciated a blueprint when we got started with our wedding planning. I hope this gives you a starting place to make your day everything you want it to be.
What is the Big Deal with Upcycled Fashion and Why Can It Cost More?
Maury Argento
Posted on August 23 2018
Is Eco Fashion Regulated?
Danika Drury
Posted on August 09 2018
While more and more people are becoming aware of the staggering environmental impact of the fashion industry, trying to figure out what rules actually exist to govern that impact can be overwhelming. At first glance the abundance of ‘organic’ and ‘eco-friendly’ labels seems to suggest that things are on the up when it comes to sustainability, but once you start to sift through the cacophony of ‘green’ marketing and figure out what clothing companies are actually required to do in the name of sustainability, this abundance of green begins to fade.
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